Irrico is a company with social responsibility, rendering top-priority charity financial assistance to the districts of its operation: Ipatovskiy, Apanasenkovskiy and Petrovskiy districts of the Stavropol Territory.
Irrico pays particular attention to institutions and events of social importance.
Over the past 3 years, the company has provided assistance in the amount of 21.5 million rubles and 57 tons of vegetables.
Main implemented projects:
- repair of floors in Ipatovo central district hospital
- maintaining an ambulance vehicle in Vinodelnenskiy village
- repair of a medical and obstetrical station in Vinodelnenskiy village
- replacement of heating system in health care center in Gofitskoe village
- technical survey of load-bearing structures of hospital in Vysotskoe village
- purchase of furniture for school № 6 in Ipatovo
- purchase of materials for repairing, equipping and replacing asphalt coating for school №13 in Vinodelnenskiy village
- purchase and installation of video surveillance system for school №12 in Malaya Djalga village
- complete overhaul of central entrance to school №6 in Gofitskoe village
- Repair of the Center for social and cultural activities in Vinodelnenskiy village
- Replacement of lighting equipment and flooring in the library of Vinodelnenskiy village
- construction of a chapel in Sovetskoe Runo village
- purchase of musical instruments for the Art center in Divnoe village
- repair of the facade of the Center for social and cultural activities in Malaya Djalga village
- technical equipment of the Center for social and cultural activities in Gofitskoe village
- fire suppression work and repair of roof over the monastery canteen of the church in Gofitskoe village
- repair of the Center for social and cultural activities in Orekhovka village
Improvement of the territory
- complete overhaul of asphalt coating for the Social service center territory in Ipatovo
- improvement of central square in Vinodelnenskiy village
- road repair in Vinodelnenskiy, Malaya Djalga,, Gofitskoe and Vysotskoe villages
- purchasing and laying of paving slabs for residential care facility for elderly and disabled people in Krasochnyi village
- repair of playgrounds in Gofitskoe village
- improvement of the cemetery in Gofitskoe village
- arrangement of a parkland area at the Memorial Complex of Glory in Vysotskoe village
- Sponsorship for “Kolos” Motoball team in Ipatovo
- Repair of junior sports school in Divnoe village
- Repair and improvement of sports ground in Divnoe village
- Purchase and installation of workout ground in Gofitskoe village
- Improvement of the stadium in Vysotskoe village
Population social support
- gifts to school graduates, New Year's gifts to children from large families and low-income families in Malaya Djalga and Vinodelnenskiy villages
- financing of the district Victory Day events including festive fireworks and gifts to the veterans
- supply of own-grown vegetables to kinder gardens, schools, residential care facilities, elderly care institutions, churches, colleges and technical schools