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«Irrico - Management Company», LLC
7, Marshala Zhukova st., Stavropol 355000, Russia
Phone: +7 (8652) 237-850
Fax: +7 (8652) 237-851
E-mail: uk@irrico.ru
«SHP «Agroinvest», LLC
38, Lenina st, Vinedelnensky village, Ipatovsky district, Stavropol Territory, 356628, Russia
Phone: +7 (86542) 66-6-86
Fax: +7 (86542) 66-6-86
E-mail: agroinvest@irrico.ru
«Irrico-Holding assets», LLC
7, Marshala Zhukova st., Stavropol 355000, Russia
Phone: +7 (8652) 237-850
Fax: +7 (8652) 237-851
E-mail: uk@irrico.ru
SP «Djalga», LLC
64, Krasnaya st., Malaya Djalga village, Apanasenkovsky region, Stavropol area, 356703, Russia
Phone: +7 (86555) 76-2-32
Fax: +7 (86555) 76-2-32
E-mail: djalga@irrico.ru
«Center of innovation development», LLC
7, Marshala Zhukova st., Stavropol 355000, Russia
Phone: +7 (8652) 237-850
Fax: +7 (8652) 237-851
E-mail: uk@irrico.ru
«Irrico-Holding», LLC
7, Marshala Zhukova st., Stavropol 355000, Russia
Phone: +7 (8652) 237-850
Fax: +7 (8652) 237-851
E-mail: uk@irrico.ru